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Frenship Middle School

Frenship ISD Middle Schools Choirs Shine at UIL Contest

Each year UIL Music holds an adjudication meant to assess the health of the middle school choir programs. The choirs participating are judged on two performances, Concert and Sight Reading. A rating is given by each judge. A one (1) is the highest score, and five (5) is the lowest score. If the choir receives a majority of 1’s from all six judges, they earn the coveted Sweepstakes Award.  

The concert portion includes the choir performing 3 pieces, with one required to be a cappella piece. Three judges provide ratings based on Tone, Technique, Musicianship, and other musical elements based on their experience and expertise. Sight Reading is an assessment of the choir’s ability to read a piece of music they have never seen before. The choir receives the piece and is given 6 minutes to chant, hand sign, or anything but sing. After 6 minutes, the choir sings the piece, and the director gets two minutes after that to correct any mistakes, without singing.  

The middle schools took nine choirs to UIL between the four schools, with all choirs earning Superior and Excellent ratings. Among the nine choirs, seven earned a Sweepstakes Award.  

Alcove Trails Middle School 

  • Non-Varsity Tenor Bass Choir 
  • Non-Varsity Treble Choir – Sweepstakes Award 

Frenship Middle School 

  • Non-Varsity Tenor Bass Choir - Sweepstakes Award 
  • Varsity Treble Choir

Heritage Middle School 

  • Varsity Treble Choir - Sweepstakes Award 
  • Varsity Tenor Bass Choir - Sweepstakes Award 
  • Non-Varsity Treble Choir

Terra Vista Middle School 

  • Non-Varsity Treble Choir - Sweepstakes Award 
  • Varsity Tenor Bass Choir - Sweepstakes Award 
  • Varsity Treble Choir - Sweepstakes Award 

Congratulations students!  
