Chelsea Click
Frenship Middle School Counselor
My name is Chelsea Click and I am the School Counselor at Frenship Middle School. This is my 8th year at Frenship Middle School, my 18th year in education and 15th year as a School Counselor. I graduated from The University of North Texas with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology & a Masters Degree in Counseling and Higher Education. Prior to becoming a counselor, I taught middle school special education for 3 years. I am married to my best friend and awesome husband Jeff. We have a beautiful 12 year old little girl and a very active two year old little boy! As a parent, I know the journey we go on raising a child. The middle school years can be filled with confusion, adjustments, and at times, can be a roller - coaster for both the parent and the child. On top of all of that - life happens. This can be very overwhelming for a pre-adolescent, especially when they are also trying to juggle school, grades, classwork, homework, etc. I am here to help them emotionally, academically and socially so they can be successful during times of crisis or emotional struggles. I also refer to outside counseling if needed and can collaborate with outside counselors in order to provide the best support for that student. I adore each and every one of our students here at FMS and I am proud to be a Frenship Tiger!